I live in London now
Last weeks Friday & lunch break at a park. Photo by my class mate Zachary Green
Hello from London!
I've now been here almost three weeks but it feels so much longer. A lot has happened in this time and I have met so many new people and already learned a punch of stuff. Two weeks ago I moved into my own tiny place, which is in a student house.
I have spent my time here mainly studying. Days are long and full but I feel so lucky to be able to learn in such a good environment.
School started with an induction which took couple of days and on the first Friday all the new students were traditionally given a fun task which I won't go much more in detail with because I don't want to spoil it for any of the future students.
By the end of the day all the students of the school gathered to a studio where all the different courses were introduced. The school is a quite small community and I was surprised how we all fit in that one studio.
As I am an acting foundation student, it was fun to meet people from different courses from different years. After the day was done the whole school went out for drinks. I loved how we had a chance to chat with everyone before the actual classes started. So when I pump into people, for example a second year BA student during lunch, I already feel like I know them a little bit. Everyone I have talked to have such interesting stories of how they have found their way to study at RADA.
I am now done with my first two to full weeks of studying. I have been quite tired but I have also had time to relax with my school mates. It's fun to explore this culture and hang out in pubs.
I feel like I haven't quite settled down in London yet since I still have to find some basic stuff for my home but I'm taking it easy.